Friday, November 25, 2005

New Job = No Job ?

November 25th, 2005

The picture above is of a letter I received from the creative director at work today informing me that I will be laid off for at least 2 months over Christmas. 18 others received the same letter. I have been at this job for only a month. I left my old job because it was simultaneously boring and stressful, and change is good right?


My boyfriend and I decided to get cable a few days ago because of a promotion (practically free, I tell ya). Well, I guess I'll have plenty of time to watch TV now...

Sunday, November 20, 2005

No T.O.

November 20, 2005

My boyfriend Tyler took the above photo while on a trip to Toronto, a trip I was supposed to be on. This was the deal: months ago his uncle, who works for Air Canada, offered to have us both fly out for the opening of an art exhibit Tyler's in. We couldn't really afford to go otherwise, at least I couldn't. I was especially excited because my brother and his girlfriend moved there over a year ago and I had yet to visit them. Alas, a couple weeks before we were supposed to leave Tyler gets an e-mail: his uncle had discovered that the request for our flight had been rejected due to the fact that, FOR THE FIRST TIME IN OVER 30 YEARS, he has used up all of his yearly allotted family flights. It didn't even occur to him that this might happen, since it never had before. Tyler used his artist's fee to fly out anyways. I stayed home.


Sunday, November 06, 2005

I don't know why it took me so long to realize this, but along with losing all my keys I lost the $40 jumpdrive I was using as a keychain. I had some drawings stored on it, as well as some photos. This means, including the cost of replacing the bike lock I no longer have keys for, my grand total loss is around $75.
I don't feel so good.

Thursday, November 03, 2005

When It Rains...

November 2nd, 2005

I ride my bicycle to work. It isn't raining, nor does it rain all day while I am at work. It still isn't raining when I finish work. I run a few quick errands and then go to get on my bike when (and I know you see this coming) suddenly the sky opens up and it begins to pour rain. POUR RAIN, REALLY REALLY HARD. Cats and friggin' dogs. It is raining so hard I can barely see in front of me. I am not a great cyclist in the best of times. Taking into consideration I am downtown where the bike lanes are totally pathetic, this seems to me beyond my ability. I pull out my umbrella and try walking my bike with one hand while holding the umbrella with the other. It is downhill and a bit difficult. I grow desperate and decide to stuff my umbrella handle down the side of my shirt. I manage to wedge it in so that it protrudes from under my clothing up alongside the side of my neck and over my head. Now both my hands are free to walk my bike. Thankfully it isn't too windy. I walk all the way home like this. No-one seems alarmed by the fact that my umbrella is being miraculously held open without the aid of my hands. It takes an hour. When I get home I reach in my pack for my keys to lock up my bike and I can't find them. I dump the entire contents of my bag on the floor when I get inside (on the lucky side, my boyfriend was home to let me in). The keys are nowhere. They must have somehow fallen from my bag during the treacherous walk home. I now need to get new keys made and buy a new bike lock. I am freezing so I get in the shower. When I get out I grab my towel only to watch a ferocious spider crawl from beneath it. Damn. I hate spiders.